The Polish Well: The 7 Deadly Sins Collection

I really ought to be studying for my exams but I couldn't wait to share this with all of you! After a long wait, I'm finally ready to release my first collection!

I have been working on this for a few months now and it sure was hard keeping this exciting piece of news to myself! So without further ado:

Please note that there has been some minor changes to some of the polishes. Please check swatches below!
P.s. Please also excuse the hurried swatches! I didn't manage to find time to do detailed swatches for everything!

First, the jelly glitters...

Wrath. (2 coats over Michelle 55 on index and middle; 3 coats on its own on ring and pinkie)
A blood red jelly with a mix of red, gold and black glitters for that wild, unadulterated fury. In this reformulated version, I added some red-gold shimmer-flakes for that extra oomph - in real life, it is more obvious than what you see here. Honestly, I really love how it turned out *shameless*

Greed. 3 coats on its own.
Inspired by the filthy rich, Greed is a black jelly with gold and brown glitters. There are small brown glitters in the mix that are hard to capture on camera but when the light hits them, they give an added sparkle. You can layer this over a black for a more opaque look but I prefer the depth and squishiness in the jelly base.

Lust. 3 coats on its own.
This is a reformulated version. Lust is a seductive deep plum purple/berry jelly base filled with a whole bunch of glitters - mostly fuchsia, red and black - and a smattering of bronze shimmer-flakes to complete the smoldering look. The original Lust was surprisingly popular so I did my best to replicate the original but they are not identical. Please take note of that before you pound on my door!

Oops sorry for the three-finger swatch! I accidentally bumped my index finger and dented the polish.
Sloth. 3 coats on its own.
Inspired by the puffy white clouds in the sky that pulls everyone into dreamland, Sloth is a white jelly filled with baby blue and iridescent glitters. If I say that the glitters in Greed are hard to capture, the glitters here are about 5 times harder to capture. I nearly pulled out all my hair trying to get decent swatches of this. It's still far from what it looks like in person but it's the best I could do. If you look closely, you will spot patches of blue and tiny sparkles in the polish. In real life, the white is as soft as what you see on the nails but the glitters on the nails look more like what you see in the bottle.

Next, we have the glitter toppers...

Envy. 1 coat over Illamasqua Rampage.
Another oldie but with approximately 20% more glitter. Envy is a mix of green, black and green-gold glitters. I toyed with the idea of giving it a jelly base but I liked what the lovely Marisa (from Polish Obsession) did with it so I left it as it is.

Gluttony. 1 coat over Michelle A47 on my index and middle; 1 coat over China Glaze For Audrey on my ring and pinkie.
I had a difficult time finding inspiration for this because I LOVE food of all kinds! I toyed with the idea of making a chocolate-inspired one, a cheesecake-inspired one... well, you get the idea. In the end, I settled for one inspired by cupcake sprinkles because they are so colorful and fun!

Pride. 1/2 coats over black.
And finally... Pride. The mother of all sins - or so it is said. I had an incredibly hard time coming up with ideas for this one. I nearly gave up completing this collection because I couldn't find the inspiration for this. And then, I had a...

moment out of the blue. So if you haven't already guessed, this is inspired by the ice queens that are rumored to be cold and haughty. It may look like a piece of unassuming ice block in the bottle but layer it over black (or other dark colors) and watch it explode into shards of icy blue.

Now that we've gotten the swatches done, here are the details of the small 'launch':
  • I will be opening my Etsy store tomorrow, Thursday, 8 Nov, at 9am, Singapore Time. Sorry for the late notice but it's either now or we'll have to wait until December!
  • There will be very limited stocks because The Wallet and I weren't ready to jump straight into the business without testing the market first.
  • Polishes will be available in 2 sizes for now: US$4 for a 5ml bottle and US$8 for a 10ml bottle.
  • International shipping will be available and will be fixed at US$5 for the first and US$0.50 for each subsequent. Shipping within Singapore will be a flat rate of US$3. I'm sticking with registered mail for all my packages.
  • I will also be making one or two sets of the whole collection available in one listing for those who are interested.
  • I aim to have all orders ready and shipped within a week.
  • I may consider a restock if there is a demand for it and if I can find the supplies. However, if I do restock, it will only take place in December (after my exams)!
  • I've done up an email list for those who wish to be notified of future restocks and/or place a pre-order (to be filled in December after my exams). If you opt to place a pre-order, be assured that you do not have to pay anything now - invoicing for pre-orders will be done only when I am ready to ship out your package. You are also free to cancel your pre-order by emailing me anytime before that. I will be giving priority to the pre-orders before restocking the Etsy store. 
Phew! That was quite a lot of information!

Do let me know what you think of these polishes! I would love to hear from you! :$



